I didn't expect this from my friend

I didn't expect this from my friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I havegirlfriend _ We have known him for over 14 years. All this long time we communicated, although not very often and mainly by phone, since we live in different cities. We always supported each other morally and knew that we had each other. It was strange sometimes, but they could sense moods from a distance and help. She and I have families. But one day I had a situation in my personal life in which I decided to leave my husband. After this, “active” support began from my friend.

I’m honestly very grateful to her for this, that despite her busyness, she found time for me and gave what she thought was valuable.advice . She knew the situation in my family for a long time and, of course, she was right in many respects. But still, everyone must understand their personal life for themselves. As a result, after a certain time I decided to give the opportunity to explain myself and told my friend about it. In response, I unexpectedly discovered severe pressure from her. She test-antibiotic.com suddenly began to paint my future life in all its colors, and I abruptly stopped the conversation. Although I asked not to continue discussing my personal life, but to talk about other topics. After that, I called her several times, but she did not want to talk under any pretext. Almost 4 months have passed, but there is no longer any desire on her part or on my part to communicate.

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