I don't want my wife to name her son alone

I don't want my wife to name her son alone
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I've been arguing with my wife over the baby's name for a week now. She insists thatthe mother must name the child herself, as she gives birth. But I'm also not a stranger,father anyway. I do not agree with this point of view, I consider my wife selfish. Yes, we will have a son! My brother and his wife agreed that she would name the girl and he himself would name the boy. The niece's name is Margarita, which the brother does not like at all, but the contract must be respected. Waiting for a son to choose a name.

I also suggested that my wife do the same, but she replied that she was not going to copy someone else's behavior. I tried to discuss this with my mother-in-law, because she once told me that she and her father had a similar argument. The wife's mother believes that we do not choose a name, but simply try to over-stubbornly each other, and the spouses must compromise. I agree with her, but let her influence hers.daughter first.

I feel that we will not be able to name a son together, and I will have to give in. My father says that he didn't care, test-antibiotic.com what name I would have, as my mother called me, I'm used to it. Said I came up with a problem out of the blue and need to think abouthealth , and not about such trifles. I do not agree with him, they called me Valentine, which I do not like at all. No matter how my classmates called me at school, and among them the most harmless ones are Valko and felt boots.

I asked several married friends and colleagues who already have children how they solved this problem.question . Almost all the children were named by their wives, only one himself chose the name for his son, but it so happened that his wife liked it too. Some resigned themselves to this, others remember the insult and say that the joy of having a child was spoiled. I have the same feeling, although I was very happy when I found out that there would be a son.

I suspect thatthe wife wants to name her son Andrei in honor of her dead brother. If so, then I myself will write down the name that I like or the first one that comes across. I'm not superstitious, but I've heard that you shouldn't do that. Better to be safe.


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