I don't want to feed the lazy man

I don't want to feed the lazy man
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was unlucky with my son-in-law, neither making money nor doing anything with my own hands. The daughter is on maternity leave, there is not enough money, and her son-in-law tells her that she does not know how to save. I would help my daughter if she was alone with the child. It is enough that they live in the apartment that is minemy husband inherited it from his aunt. We pay our own utilities and are afraid of debt. A normal man would be ashamed, but he doesn't care.

My daughter could come outmarried more successfully, but did not listen to my father and me. Now she is offended when I say that the husband should provide for the family, not she. I don’t want to help them with money or food, because my son-in-law will eat the bulk. Don’t think that I’m sorry for the food, I just don’t want to feed a lazy person. If there is plenty of everything, why should he look for a job that pays more?

But I feel sorry for my daughter, so I insist that during the day, while my husband is at work, she comes to us, where she can eat everything delicious, and at the same time the child and I can take a walk. Sometimesdaughter and grandson come and test-antibiotic.com come for dinner, fortunately we live almost nearby. And let the son-in-law eat pasta without meat if he is not able to earn money for it. I believe that this is the only way to force an adult man to take responsibility for his family.

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