My boyfriend thinks being fat is normal

My boyfriend thinks being fat is normal
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I recently met a guy, he even tries to court me. I like him too, he is cute, I have fun with him, there is something to talk about, we agree on many things, but there is one problem: he is fat and does not see anything bad in it. Andrey says that people should not be the same, and that it is not the appearance of a person that is important, but his mind and character. I agree with him on this, but it is still better for him to take care of himself and lose at least a little weight. It is not difficult, to do exercises or jog, you can go to the pool, I even offered to keep him company, but he does not want to. He said that he had already tried to lose weight, was on a diet and even lost a little weight, but then gained it back, even more.

I realized that he was just a lazy egoist, and he simply did not have enough self-control, and on top of that he was a glutton. Andrey says that everyone in his family is overweight, and he is used to it and does not think that he should starve just because someone does not like his figure. At school he was teased for this, but he did not take offense, he tried to skip physical education classes under any pretext, which were a complete torment for him.

I think that Andrey's parents should have explained to him in his childhood that it is not beautiful to be fat and that it is also harmful to health, and also got him interested in some kind of sport and by personal example. I am sorry to part with Andrey, but I cannot accept him as he is. When I hinted to him that I do not want to have a fatMy husband , at first he didn’t take it personally, but then he understood and promised that he would try to lose weight, but for some reason I don’t believe in it.

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