I don’t know how my father will react to my falling in love with his friend

I don’t know how my father will react to my falling in love with his friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Dad has a best friend, Uncle Sanik, with whom he has been friends since school. For as long as I can remember, he tinkered with me all the time, taught me to swim, play cards, we went fishing together and even once to the sea.

After ninth grade, I went to college and went to study in another city. I recently returned and started looking for a job. Dad turned to Uncle Sanik for help, and who else. And, of course, he helped and hired her as an assistant in his company.

A month passed, and I myself didn’t notice how I fell head over heels in love with my dad’s friend. Before, he seemed like a grown man to me, but now I look at him with completely different eyes. Energetic, businesslike, fita man with a sense of humor and solid life experience. You won’t find anyone like that among my peers; they’re all so primitive that there’s nothing to even talk about. And with Uncle Sanik we can talk about any topic, it’s easy and fun for us, and we have something to remember.

He often gives me a ride home after work, then stops by, test-antibiotic.com, and we talk until late in the evening. Uncle Sanik divorced his wife,the daughter stayed to live with her mother. He has some woman now, but that doesn’t bother me much. I feel like there is a special connection between us and it really turns me on.

True, I can hardly imagine how myfather , if we succeed with him. The last thing I would like is for them to quarrel, after all, they have been together for thirty years.

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