I hate my daughter's name

I hate my daughter's name
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The topic is quite hackneyed, but there is a problem. Our daughter was recently born, we had been waiting for her for so long that the main thing for us was that she was born alive and healthy. We didn't think much about the name.

After the birth of our daughter, we began to go through options and did not agree on any. After a week of quarrels and torment, I proposed a compromise option and began to go through names that were not even considered. I poked at the first one I came across - Maryana, my husband surprisingly liked it, although his original option was Sofia. As a result, they named her Maryana. But when I was sitting in line at the registry office, I had a strange feeling that something was wrong, but I didn’t pay attention, and during registration I seemed to squeeze the name out of myself and say it in a whisper.

Usually they say that you can dream about a name during pregnancy. So I dreamed about two names, but this was more because I read about them before going to bed. But my mother-in-law almost immediately dreamed of the name Darina and in her dream they said to her: “Here is a girl for you, this is a gift, her name is Darina.” My husband liked it at first, and my daughter test-antibiotic.com smiled at Darina, butMy husband then abruptly changed his mind and to no avail. Now we have Maryana and I just hate this name. It's not hers, it doesn't suit her. I have some feeling of anxiety. Everyone says: “Oh, what an unusual name,” and I’m shaking. Yes it is ordinary. But no. I have a feeling thatmy daughter will be a “black sheep” among her peers. I don’t even want to baptize my child, because they will christen me Mary.

I blame myself for not thinking about it before, for not being interested in the meaning of the name, but just calling it at random. And now I don’t know what to do. Terrible thoughts in my head. I agree to anything, just to rid the child and myself of this terrible, and besides, not Russian name.

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