My wife’s unfaithful betrayal still haunts me to this day

My wife’s unfaithful betrayal still haunts me to this day
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to tell you my life story.

At that time, we had been dating my future wife for 2 weeks. I had to see herlove at first sight, and she went to the hotel with someone else. He says there was nothing between them. I believe her, but only because he didn’t want to - I later talked to him about this topic. But the mere fact that she left, preferred him then and was ready to do anything with him, allowed herself to be caressed, kills me. Even thinking about it makes me furious!

The backstory of how she left. She and her friend went to a cafe for her boyfriend’s corporate party. I also once worked at this company, so I know them all. Accordingly, there is booze, music, and a romantic mood of permissiveness and fun. She flirted and somehow everything started happening with that guy...

The most important thing that kills and torments me: she didn’t even think about me that evening! She didn’t care at all that she had me, she wanted to spend the evening with this man. And the fact that they had nothing then was entirely her fault. And definitely not mine.

At that moment I forgave her, because... there was no formal reason for the breakup. I thought that everything would be fine with us, that everything would be forgotten and normal. But now 3 years have passed, we got married (no children yet), but I still can’t do itforget . The worm of jealousy gnaws at me and I cause itpain for both her and myself.

She realized her guilt, changed for my sake, and more than once asked for forgiveness for that ill-fated evening, but it still hurts me. I can't have herforgive and that's it.

Tell me, please, is it worth forgiving such betrayal and how to do it? Thank you.

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