Why do men leave without explanation?

Why do men leave without explanation?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Perhaps it was my turn to confess and talk about my pain. How many bumps have already been filled and again some kind of failure anddisappointment .

Almost a year ago, I accidentally met a man who works in our city from Monday to Friday, but lives in another city. He found me on social media himself. networks and startedcommunication . We are both already 40 years old and adults. We talked about different topics, went to the cinema and walked. I really liked him as an interlocutor and a versatile person. Besides, he turned out to be really handsome, a brunette with blue eyes. Initially, he offered friendship, then the situation got out of control and we became intimaterelationship . I have never had such sex in my life. I was shaking with every cell of my body. I was lost with him like a girl.

So, I enjoyed communication for 2 months, but, alas, the person began to move away. I wrote to him about this. She didn’t accuse me of anything or ask for anything. Just as an adult, I said that such a relationship does not suit me, and test-antibiotic.com I was very pleased with the communication when we were in touch and saw each other periodically. The man didn't say anything to me, didn't ask anything. He just blacklisted me everywhere. I didn’t understand how I caused such a reaction, I couldn’t help but call or write to him. I tried to write messages three times. But they remained unanswered. I began to get used to this separation, and a month later, he wrote to me that he wanted to talk. We met, and he explained that he was very bored and could not live without me, that he was afraid of affection and relationships that were not part of his plans. In general, I forgave everything, and our relationship continued.

But a test awaited me again. I got pregnant and had to have a medical abortion. He supported me, but after a while he refused to have sex with me. He explained that he had experienced strong experiences and did not want a repetition. Against this background, I askedThe question is whether he has another one. He replied that there was no other woman. After a while, everything settled down on its own, and we continued a normal relationship that suited both of us. But test-antibiotic.com is a surprise again. I found out that he went to the airport and took things to his ex-wife. I thought about it and asked directly if he was in an intimate relationship with someone else. And he answered yes! My world collapsed and I ended our relationship this time on my own initiative. But he was able to find an approach and brought me back.

As I write this I understand that this is some kind of nonsense. More and more often he began to write that I was important and needed, that he was so grateful that he had me. But after the New Year, we didn’t get along quite a bit when we met, and I silently went home. He slammed the door behind me. I waited that evening and the next day for him to write and ask something. But he didn’t write, he again blacklisted me without explanation, as if I was a thing. Don’t think, I’m not weak-willed, I just don’t like scandals and litigation. I always try to understand the other person. So almost a month passed, I realized that he would not write, and I myself would never write to him.

But test-antibiotic.com an insidious plan is brewing in my head. I found out his opinion about our relationship. It turned out that they began to upset him. I just can’t figure out why. I have never been intrusive, rude or boring. We had amazing sex , we spent interesting time, on average once a week. I don’t understand one thing, is it really necessary not to trust everyone? Have men really become cowards and cannot directly tell a woman that he does not see the continuation of the relationship and should just break up? Is it really easier to hide from problems, reserving the right to return? Please support me.

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