Why did I get so carried away?

Why did I get so carried away?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 22 years old. A year ago I met a guy. He is 3 years younger than me. And I don’t understand what happened to me, but from that moment I just couldn’t help but think about him. We only talked once and I'm sure he doesn't even remember me. But I just can't get itforget . I thought about himevery day , I looked at his social networks (you could say I followed him). I wanted to write many times, but didn’t do it. I just kept thinking about him. My mood literally depended on it.

This has never happened to me before and I don’t understand how it happened. Now I've been released. I'm not as interested in him as before. But still there are thoughts about him.

And I was just wondering if anyone had this experience. See a person once and get stuck with him. Literally go crazy. Become dependent on him. But in real life, don’t see him, don’t communicate.

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