Why do I suffer all the time?

Why do I suffer all the time?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was born in a large family as the second child (we are 4). Our parents have their own common cause, to which they quite insistently led us too. It was hard for them to raise us alone, and from time to time we heard remarks from our mother or from our father that it would be better not to give birth to you, why love you in that spirit.

Dad beat us, shouted, strongly suppressed emotionally. As soon as he was not in the mood and I said something wrong. No attention was paid to us, constantly either working or spending time with each other. They didn’t walk with us, they didn’t play. Almost constantly I wanted to be out of the house or by myself. I always loved my parents, but I was also afraid. They have always been people of sentiment.

I went to school at the age of 5, graduated at 15 and started working for free with my parents. She gave all of herself at work and received reproaches that she still did little at home. When I turned 18, I left home, my parents were against it. I just wanted test-antibiotic.com to get rid of tension and pressure. Gone, you might say, to nowhere. The first day they called me, no more. I entered the institute on a paid basis, got a job, rented an apartment. Barely made ends meet.

Met my husband and leftmarried at 19. He lived with his parents. Moved to them. Studied, worked, repaired them, gave birthdaughter , then son. My husband mistreated me psychologically, just used me without giving anything in return. When she gave birth to a son, after 2 months she met a married man, she fell in love. We talked for about a month, then he stopped responding.

I don't understand what's wrong with me? Why do I only suffer all the time and how to get rid of it?

I tried to keep my life story short.

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