My girlfriend's friend ruined everything

My girlfriend's friend ruined everything
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My story began a long time ago, I’m not able to figure it out myself, so I’m asking for wise advice.

When I was 6 years old, I met girls on the playground - Lisa and Nastya. I liked Lisa very much, over the course of a year she became like family to me, it was probablylove , but due to my age I did not understand this.

The three of us quickly became friends and were constantly together. After 2 years, Lisa moved with her parents to another city. Nastya and I saw her off and cried for a long time. I was very upset, I missed Lisa, and Nastya, in turn, constantly pestered me with walks and games. I was angry, but I didn’t want to offend Nastya, so I endured it.

After 4 years, she returned, just as kind and cheerful as I remembered her and realized that I loved her. At that time, she moved to the class where Nastya studied, they were like water like before. I showed increased interest in Lisa, all the time looking for an opportunity to talk, spend time, walk with her. And Nastya, noticing this, was upset, but I did not pay attention to this then, I was only interested in Lisa.

One day after school, Nastya came up to me and said that she had liked me for a long time and wanted to date me. I was afraid of offending Nastya, and said that I don’t know. The next day I waited for Lisa near school to see her off and tell her that I liked her. But when she saw me, she abruptly walked in the other direction, as if she had not noticed me. I ran after her, but she made it clear to me that she wouldn’t let me accompany her anymore, and we wouldn’t walk together. Then I was very upset, I didn’t understand what was happening. I thought Lisa liked me too. And then Nastya started againcome every day , called me for a walk, I got angry and told her to leave me alone.

After a while, Lisa herself came and said that Nastya said that we were dating, and she didn’t like that Lisa and I were often together. I said that it’s not true that I like her, that is, I always liked Lisa. So we started dating,, but we didn’t stop communicating with Nastya. After 9th grade, Lisa again got ready to leave for another city to enter a technical school. I really didn’t want to let her go, but she said that we would constantly call and write to each other, and when she returned, we would get married (yes, yes, that kind of love). My parents said, you will study here, since there is no money to support me in another city. I had no choice but to accept it. Nastya again began to show interest in me, but I was cold, pretended that I didn’t understand anything and constantly talked about Lisa. Nastya was always there,sex .

I didn’t attach any importance to this, I was already accustomed to Nastya’s behavior and continuedcommunication with Lisa. One day Lisa wrote that she knew everything and left me. Nastya and I slept periodically, my hormones were pumping, and she allowed everything. A month later I left her and found another girl. We dated Ira and for about three years, she fell in love with someone else and left, but I wasn’t particularly upset. And then I learned from my friends that Lisa had returned, but I didn’t care anymore. But when I saw her by chance in a cafe, I remembered everything, I want her so muchreturn , tell her everything, but friends say that she will soongetting married .

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