I received a long-awaited iPhone as a gift, but became dependent on a guy

I received a long-awaited iPhone as a gift, but became dependent on a guy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am the owner of the long-awaited twelfth iPhone, which I received from my boyfriend onbirthday . And now I don’t know what to do.

The fact is that we took the iPhone toloan , and in my name. The guy convinced me that for some reason he couldn’t communicate through the bank, and I thought, what difference does it make, it doesn’t matterhe earns money (I’m still studying at the institute). He paid the first installment as required and solemnly presented me with my precious iPhone, which I so wanted. My happiness knew no bounds, but not for long, only two months.

Recently we had a big quarrel, so much so thatthe guy collected his things and left. This happened before, but now the situation has changed not in my favor. I was left alone in a rented apartment, and with an unpaid loan around my neck. The apartment is not scary, I can go back to my parents. But what should I do with the loan, because I have no money and nowhere to get it from. This, apparently, was the whole calculation, that I would come running and forgive everything, and test-antibiotic.com he would remain in his own interests. He probably decided to educate me in this way.

How to proceed? Stand your ground or give in? Previously, he was always the first to ask for forgiveness, but now I am tied up with this loan, and all the cards are in his hands. I do not know what to do. How can we successfully twist everything so that the guy comes back and doesn’t have to humiliate himself?

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