Forgive the guy or not?

Forgive the guy or not?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It is difficult to give advice, she herself is in the same position as the girl who is humiliatedguy . I'll tell my story. Fell in love, very much, went in rose-colored glasses. They immediately began to live together. He did not work while they lived together. I run to him from work, as if on wings with full bags of groceries. I cooked like in a restaurant, served beautifully. Home order, cleanliness. I forgot to write that he is five years younger than me.

The first call came quickly. Once I heard him talking to my mother using obscene language. I also thought, what awaits me if he does not respect hismother . Pulls her pension, insults, and soon the turn came to me. He accuses me of being at work all the time and at the stove: “I need a woman with whom I can talk, and you are stupid, you are women, there are only problems.”

There was such a case, she cooked a delicious breakfast, lay down, waited for her to wake up, jumped up with the words: “you annoy me, freak” and threw a blanket over me. I'm not ugly, pretty, young looking, woman 175-60-2. Honestly, I was shocked by Then appeared in our lifeinternet . He sat for hours on pornographic sites, when asked why, he replied: "I want to see their eyes." Then free love sites. I love him very much, I started to be jealous.

He was drunk and broke my nose. Aftermy mother said that I, in general, began to wind up the limit. Nerves passed, from a harmless knock I shuddered. Forgave the nose, began to morally kill. He sees that I forgive everything, and I thought that I was the only one with nowhere to go. Nevertheless, she decided, moved out, rented a house. The year has been hell! Suffered, lost weight to the limit. He got a job and had an affair there. And then when the new girl left him, he called me to visit and told me how happy he was with her in bed. How he enjoyed her snoring.

We are still dating, I can not forgive his betrayal. Calls back, because again it does not work. I paid his debts for the apartment, now there are a lot of them again. What to do? I feel like I'm about to go crazy. No friends and girlfriends, tiredloneliness . Help me with advice, please.

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