Conversation on the train

Conversation on the train
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Have you thought that when you travel on a train, there is a big difference in feelings or emotions depending on where you sit in the direction of travel?

I sit down in the direction of travel, and then look out the window. What I see? No, I don’t mean houses, trees, platforms and people standing on them. I see how everything that is happening outside the window is approaching me from afar. What if I sat opposite? Then I would see the same thing, but it is already moving away from me. Isn't that right? When I go somewhere or to someone, I try to sit in the direction the train is moving. But if I said goodbye to someone or something dear to me, I sit against the traffic.

It was early autumn, I was returning home. It was late and there were few passengers on the train, I chose an empty compartment and, of course, I sat in the direction of travel, towards the house. I leaned my head against the glass and even tried to sleep, because I had to spend at least two hours on the road. But after half an hour of trying to pass the time by sleeping, I realized that nothing would work, and I opened my eyes. I was surprised. I didn't even notice how it happened. A woman was sitting opposite me. I don't want to talk about her age. Her arrival was so quiet that it was as if she was born from the surrounding air. I think I even shuddered from the surprise of her appearance. I was driving home. Where was she going? It turned out that she was leaving. If not from home, then from someone.

I wanted to look at her, maybe it would help me understand her choice of place. Yes, pampering. But maybe this will somehow smooth out the monotony of what is happening outside the window. Brown, undyed hair that barely reaches her shoulders. Eyes. If she hadn't emphasized them with ladylike things, they would have looked more irresistible. And so, brought on in a hurry, they did not create the desired effect. Pale cheeks spoke more about her state of mind, and not about the desire to give them to a man’s kiss. The lips were so closed that it seemed no one would be strong enough to open them. And if I hadn’t been drunk, I wouldn’t have asked But I was drunk and I asked: “Are you leaving him?” — I emphasized the word “leaving.” She shuddered, but was not afraid of this question. Probably while I was trying to sleep, she had already studied me.

She didn’t even turn her head in my direction: “Yes, I left him.” “Are you tired or don’t love him?” - I myself didn’t understand why I asked thisquestion . What happened next? It seemed to me that she had withdrawn into herself for some time. More than one minute passed. "And who are you?" — as if waking up from a dream, she asked. I shrugged: “So, temporarily sitting opposite you.” Another minute passed in silence. The driver announced: “Next station S.”

"Yes, I'm tired. I am a woman. I want to be dependent, but not owned. I want to be dependent on someone who loves me. I am ready to fulfill any of his wishes. I am ready for his every whim. Even if I don’t accept it, I will do it if I feel his love.” She fell silent, still not turning eyes in my direction. “But I don’t see your things?” — I wanted to continue the dialogue. “My friend will pick them up later,” she answered, also looking out the window. “Are you sure you won’t regret running away?” - and only now I saw her eyes. The night outside the train window no longer calmed her down, if not vice versa. She looked at me. Her eyes were like a lake filled to the brim with water, but not a single stream flowed out of it. “I already regret it. He had no more secrets of my body; he took possession of almost my entire soul, leaving me with only a small part of it as my property. Now he wanted to take possession of her too. But there must remain something in a woman that belongs only to her? He wants to be a ruler, and I want to see in him a man who loves me.”

She fell silent. Only the presence of an unfamiliar man, me, did not allow her to burst into tears. And I couldn’t allow myself to press her face to my chest. Another minute passed. "What is your name?" - she asked, already rising from her seat. When I answered, she was already far away. She didn’t expect an answer, she didn’t care about me, she was thinking about him, from whom she ran away.

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