Sister believes that parents should repay her loans

Sister believes that parents should repay her loans
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My sister and I grew up in a complete family. We lived normally, like most of the children we knew around us. Now both my sister and I already have our own families.

I won't go into details. We have different opinions. My sister believes that our parents are obligated to help us financially. At one time, my parents helped both me and my sister with housing, now they have been pensioners for several years, they live on their pensions, there is no additional income.

Surrounded by her sister, the parents of her friends help their children: some help pay off loans, others just give money. I also have friends who are helped by their parents with money; the income of these parents is greater than the income of my parents. I tell my sister that “according to income and expenses.”

I understand all this, butmy sister doesn't want to understand. Can’t parents, having raised their children, simply live for themselves and not take out the loans that their sister accrued while trying to live better? This is the first part of the question.

And now the second one. When communicating with my mother, I constantly hear about how the children of her friends,, were able to achieve something more than my sister and I, who are ordinary ordinary employees of organizations. But they work, help their parents with money, some gifts, apartments. And this sounds like a reproach against us, I get tired of hearing it constantly. Maybe that's why my sister behaves this way?

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