All alone and I can't change anything

All alone and I can't change anything
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It all started from childhood. I was a kind, caring child, but even in kindergarten, I didn’t feel like I belonged, I tried to communicate, but I couldn’t make friends, although I openly met and communicated. During my school years the same thing happened, I tried to be active, but I never found friends. I was very envious that many people have a bunch of friends, but I am left alone.

After finishing 11th grade, I entereduniversity , but even here I was hauntedloneliness , communicated with classmates only for studies and nothing more. And no matter how much I strive to establish contact with people, for some reason I remain alone, I seem to like solitude, but sometimes I want to take care of someone other than my pet. Most of my friends are already taking care of their families, but I am in such unbearable pain that I am left completely alone in this world.

But in order not to feel thispain , I got to work. I worked for six months without a break or days off, it seemed to help, butmy body began to lose ground, and I realized that by working hard I would only harm myself. I started spending more time on myself. But it’s as if it’s destined from above that mylife will fly by alone. I ask for advice, I understand that I need advice, but there is no one to ask. I am 28 years old.

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