My daughter's son was taken away from her

My daughter's son was taken away from her
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I havemother , one adultdaughter and one grandson. He is five years old. The daughter divorced as soon as she left the maternity hospital. Herthe husband is a domestic tyrant.

I know that she will not give birth again. But again I tried to put up with him. When the child was almost a year old, she became seriously ill. For three years I didn’t know if she would survive.

The former son-in-law always communicated with her son and helped when she was sick, but at the same time he complained to the guardianship that we were not giving him a child. Now there is hope that my daughter will recover completely. Doctors prescribed a diet for a child in the regional center and drove himfather .

Then my daughter’s ex-mother-in-law writes a statement to the guardianship that my daughter does not follow the doctor’s orders. The authorities come to us and force her to give the child to the father on this basis. And only after that the ex-husband gives my daughter photocopies of the doctor’s note.

The grandson has been living with them for three months. His father is on a business trip for two weeks, his mother is at work during the day. The child, due to his diet, is not in kindergarten, very often he is babysat by that grandmother, either her husband or her partner. In general, a stranger to the child.

They don’t give it to my daughter, they drive her away from her son, even while walking on the street it’s hard to approach the child. He cries and reaches out to his mother. The police don’t help us, the guardianship authorities don’t help, nothing works out for our daughter in court, and we don’t even have money for a lawyer.

My daughter doesn’t drink at all, her disability group is working. My soul is breaking. We feel sorry for the child, we don’t know what to do. Maybe someone can advise how to find a way out?

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