My husband has a long relationship and I don't know what to do

My husband has a long relationship and I don't know what to do
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been married for 10 years. They got married when they found out they were pregnant. Before that, they had not met for long, but they lived well, there were no problems. They loved, made plans, slowly bringing them to life. They gave birth to a daughter, after 2.5 years a son. Now they are 10 and 7 years old respectively.

Last Septembermy husband cheated on me. I found out about it just a few days later. We talked and discussed. I know her, and she knows me - we live in neighboring houses. My husband convinced me that it was not serious, that it was a mistake, etc. I believed and almost forgave, began to live on. Just then, moving to a new apartment, buying a new car, changes at work ... And on the eve of the new year, we find out that we are expecting a third baby. Everything seems to be very promising.

The first months I go in toxicosis, at the same time doing repairs in the apartment, while my husband was earning money for this repair. She lay on the conservation, ran for the last months, but periodically got tired, which is not surprising. She continued to work. Allpregnancy , all this time he often traveled on business, and bad thoughts constantly entered my head, but suppressed them, so to speak, took care of herself, or rather, not even herself, but her son. But everything was fine, she gave birth safely.

Business trips and work trips continued even when we sent the middle child to first grade. And about three weeks ago I found out that my husband and his former mistress are still closely communicating. We sit down to talk, and it turns out that he didn’t break up with her then, or rather, broke up for a month, and then everything became the same again. And all year, all pregnancy and more, he visited her regularly.

My shock was not from the very fact of treason. All this time I felt, but I did not believe myself. The shock was from the realization of the deadline. But, he says that he and she are tired of all this (by the way, she is divorced and her son studies with ours in the same class!). To herI want to get married , but he is not going to leave the family and this is not discussed.

And now for a month they have not met, do not communicate, and everything is already over. I understand that I have nowhere to go - I have a 3-month-oldchild , and 2 other students. Not working (I worked unofficially, and didn’t really earn money). It would be stupid to expel her husband - there will be great financial difficulties, and everything ended with them. I'm worried, of course, but we decided to get out together.

But my intuition haunts me again. 3 hours ago, finally, I find out that after our conversation with him, a week later, i.e. They met again a couple of weeks ago. He says, pulls, it doesn’t go out of his head. He says he respects me. And it is not clear what attracts her. He won't live with her, he says.

escorted out. Night. I can't sleep. I had to tell someone. Sorry if it's confusing and confusing.

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