I'm convinced that men don't like smart women

I'm convinced that men don't like smart women
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Ever since school, I watched how boys liked stupid and beautiful girls, while no one ever paid much attention to me. I was told that all this would end when I entered university and entered adulthood.life . The main argument was that in real affairs and life, intelligence is valued, not the beauty of people. And I sincerely believed in it, but school ended, and adult life never began.

I am now 27 years old and I can say with confidence that men are just as greedy for beautiful and stupid girls. Of course, my intelligence is an asset and is valued, but only in a working relationship. Everyone pays attention to me, listens to me, but only within the framework of work. For everyone, I am first and foremost a valuable employee and specialist, not a woman.

This depresses me terribly. I understand that at work, first of all, you need to do things and not meet, but at corporate events nothing changes. None of my colleagues communicate with me beyond a formal setting. I know that now most women are trying to fight the opposite. Most people think it’s terrible when they notice you, first of all, as a woman and not as a specialist, but they can’t even imagine how sad my situation is.

I look at others and how they are having fun. I can no longer bear to be alone with myself. It's depressing. I want variety. Perhaps I miss those parties that most people went to back in the dormitory, while I was studying the profession and textbooks in depth. I've never had the fun and opportunity to immerse myself in it. Woe from mind, you know. However, my misfortune still has a downside. This is in demand and high wages. Yes, I understand that this sounds arrogant, but I earn many times more than myColleagues . I am in greater demand than my colleagues and I can go to work for any international company and they will accept me. Naturally, my wealth attracts various gigolos, but I have already learned to distinguish them and do not let test-antibiotic.com near me. I don’t want hypocrisy, but sincerity. That carefree love that all my peers had, but which I did not have.

And even despite this, I often miss those times. I sit and remember what I could have done and what I could have changed in my situation. It's something like an escape from reality. It happens that I can lie in bed all day, being deep in my memories and not noticing anything around.

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