These are my friends

These are my friends
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

At the institute I was friends with two girls, and thisThe friendship continued after graduation.

It so happened that my friends found a job in their specialty, but I didn’t. Although I studied well. At some point I was just unlucky, I didn’t come across anything worthwhile, and then my friends offered me a position not in my specialty, but with a good salary and good working conditions. I thought that this job would be suitable for me as an intermediate option. And she worked there for several years, and then began to look for a new one, in her specialty. I'm looking, slowly, I want to find something suitable.

My friends have been working in their specialty all this time. One immediately got a good job and is not going to change it. Another changed several jobs in her specialty over these few years. She repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with her current place of work, but did not say that she was again looking for a new job.

And so, the three of us meet to sit and chat about our own things, about women’s things. And I tell a funny conversation with a potential employer to whom I sent a resume, but with whom we never got along

Firsta friend who has been working in one place for a long time tells me condemningly: “Why didn’t you tell your second friend about the vacancy in this company? She's looking for a new job. Maybe they would have taken her there, it would have suited her.”

I'm in slight shock. I didn’t know that my second friend was actively looking for work again, she didn’t tell me anything about it, although we communicateevery day . And she didn’t ask me to tell her about all the vacancies that would come my way. In fact, she, like me, has equal opportunities for searching - the Internet , job search sites. If she is looking for a job, she should see the same vacancies on the sites as I do. And, for that matter, both friends have long been aware that I am also looking for a job in my specialty, I did not hide it. And none of them even thought of offering me any vacancies. The second friend also comes across vacancies on her way, but is in no hurry to offer them to me. And it turns out that should take care of her.

And somehow it became so unpleasant for me that the first friend was so protective of the second, but did not think about me.

And I have such a suspicion that they are probably discussing me behind my back. The second friend is probably the first to complain about me, that I don’t help her find a job. But she doesn’t help me either.

I don’t even know how to feel about this.

Read together with it: