I do not consider March 8 a holiday and do not want to be congratulated

I do not consider March 8 a holiday and do not want to be congratulated
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I can't stand March 8 and February 23. For me, these are the most fake holidays of the year. At school, we were forced to congratulate each other. Probably, since then there was an unpleasant aftertaste.

It was also like this when all the girls chipped in for all the boys together and gave everyone the same gifts. Well, the boys did the same. It was worse when the class teacher or the parent committee told the girls that you, they say, would divide the boys among you, who wants to congratulate whom, and let each of them congratulate her on February 23rd. And the boy, respectively, had to, then it was this girl in response to congratulate on March 8. As a result, the most beautiful and adequate boys were taken apart by the most arrogant and noisy girls, and the so-called class elite. And ordinary girls got boys who could easily not congratulate in return.

I had that once. It was very unpleasant. But this is not the point, but the fact that I did not want to congratulate anyone at all and then accept these tortured gifts from them. Everything was done "from under the stick." At test-antibiotic.com, things turned out to be even worse. I am in constant shock from my female colleagues. From their greed and avarice. On February 23, they spare money for gifts for men and for the festive table. They give the cheapest and useless trifle, put a minimum of food and drink on the table, and they themselves greedily eat and drink this food and drink. If you hint that you need to turn in more money and give more expensive gifts or set the table more generously, you will be bombarded with slippers. But on March 8the aunts swell with importance, dress up and show off their outfits to each other, wait for more expensive gifts and rejoice at a generous table at the men's expense. But what, they are girls, they deserve it.

At such moments, I am ashamed that I am also a woman. It is a shame to eat at the festive table, give little things to men and accept gifts in return - flowers and sweets that are expensive on the occasion of the holiday. And this despite the fact that there are many women in our team, and only a few men. And congratulations from men are so tortured and on their test-antibiotic.com faces is written horror before the women's holiday and disgust for the gluttonous greedy female chickens. And so it is! And on February 23, men lonely accept their gifts and peck at the leftovers on the table. Ugh! Although, it is true, our men did not serve in the army. And with this, many women argue that there is no need to congratulate them, no need to spend a lot of money.

But after all, not every woman at work is a mother-heroine, but everyone is waiting for a gift for the very fact that she is a woman! It's disgusting. At home, it seems that I will be the first to initiate the cancellation of the celebration of these holidays in our country. Even at home this farce to breed. Expensive and difficult. It’s also just to cover a clearing and sit with the whole family somehow. But these forced purchases of gifts to each other because "it's necessary." And involuntary disappointments from the fact that they gave you the wrong thing, or you gave the wrong thing. What do you think about these holidays? Do you love them?


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