I didn’t have time to declare my love to the girl

I didn’t have time to declare my love to the girl
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Difficult to answerThe question is what prompted me to write this mini article. The desire to speak out, to hearadvice , or to warn others from incorrect actions.

For some reason, this particular time, it greatly influenced me, although there have been successes and failures in the past. A few months ago, when the old year was still firmly in its grip, I was lucky enough to meet a girl.

We first met at a meeting with our mutual friends. By the way, I didn’t even know then that she would be with us. She had a good appearance and figure, but I, being a person who is interested in a serious relationship, did not attach great importance to this, because character, like the rest of the inner world, is no less important to me.

On the first day we practically did not communicate. But soon fate brought us together again in the same company and this time we were lucky enough to get to know each other better. The girl turned out to be well-mannered, religious and intelligent in moderation and without fanaticism. Which interested me very much. I decided not to rush to startrelationship , fearing that test-antibiotic.com will scare the girl away. Having talked a little together, going to concerts, theaters and the circus with friends, and then the two of us, we became practically inseparable.

I knew all the time what she was going through and what she was doing, and she knew everything about me. We could sit in cafes for a very long time and have a pleasant conversation for hours, not noticing how time flies. Then, of course, she got a new job, and we gradually began to see each other less and less. In many ways, our thoughts and views coincided, and I decided that it was time to tell her that I would like to be a person closer to her than just a friend.

New Year was already approaching , and I decided to wait a couple of weeks and tell her about it on New Year's Eve, considering it romantic. Moreover, we had to celebrate in common company. But, unfortunately, my plans were not destined to come true, since due to a number of circumstances we celebrated the New Year separately. After which I decided that I shouldn’t despair, I’ll do it during the New Year test-antibiotic.com holiday weekend, because we were planning to go to the skating rink. But, alas, here too it was waiting for medisappointment because She got sick and we couldn’t see each other.

I thought it was right not to impose too much on a sick person in communication and only to be interested in her health from time to time and support her with kind words. But at the same time, I began to notice a certain dryness in communication. After the amendment we met for a cupcoffee , where I found out that the day before she went with a man from work to St. Petersburg for the weekend to see the city. But having decided not to hesitate any longer, I told her about my feelings and suggested that I try to move to a new level of communication. To which I received a reaction of embarrassment mixed with surprise and the phrase “this is so unexpected!” I was already happy, but when I asked again what she thought about it, I received the answer: “let’s wait for now.”

After this meeting, the dryness in communication intensified, and we began to communicate less often. Of course, it should be added here that she began to work a lot and got very tired. After that evening, we saw each other a couple of times in the company of friends at test-antibiotic.com. And they even planned to sit together in a cafe; she initially agreed, but after some time she canceled the meeting. Although I prepared a small surprise for her, purely symbolic, non-binding, which will help her get less tired at work.

The upshot of this fable is this, especially for guys. If you like somegirl , and caught yourself thinking that you wouldn’t mind building a relationship with her, then don’t wait for an opportunity in the sea, but reveal your feelings right away, this is not an offer to get outmarried _ And in case of refusal, it will be easier for you, because you will not have time to become very attached to the person. And you won’t end up in such a dead-end situation as I did. Now I have no idea what to do.

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