I don't believe in friendship between a man and a woman

I don't believe in friendship between a man and a woman
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was in a relationship with a young man for six months. We met in the summer, started dating, everything was great, but at that time the young man had quit his previous job and was looking for a new one. Both entered intorelationship with the intention of building a family.

After a month and a half, I had to leave for another country for work and family reasons, and as a result, I was gone for 3 months. All this time we communicated daily, he knew my exact date of arrival, the relationship developed.

A month later he got a job, and naturally began to get more tired. Over time, I began to notice that I wrote less often; I didn’t have the same feelings from him. I waited, realized that this was so, and we talked. He confirmed this, we discussed everything, things got better.

After a month and a half, I noticed that the flirting and some kind of intimacy had disappeared. I thought that maybe he had someone. We also talked calmly, it turned out that he had no one, that he had returned to his previous state, as before he met me, both hoped that everything would return to normal upon arrival.

I arrived, he met me. A week has passed, test-antibiotic.com and I understand that it’s not that we didn’t have intimacy, there’s no romantic overtones. He had a minor elective operation after which he cannot walk. Naturally, we haven’t seen each other. I think it's important to mention that he was caring. He helped financially himself, I didn’t ask for it, gave nice gifts, supported me, saw each other 1-2 times a week.

I started talking about how it was time for us to develop relationships, meet friends, family, plan joint trips, etc. He honestly admitted that something was twisted in him, that with my arrival the situation had not improved, that he could not develop a relationship now, sleep with me, since he would simply take advantage of me and was generally not sure about our future. He asked for time, hoping that the situation would improve, because none of us wanted to leave, I suggested to him.

We continued, he also supported me and did everything, we saw each other 1-2 times a week, went to the cinema/restaurants, but there was no intimacy at all. Lately I’ve realized that it’s not getting better at all, that even these meetings and test-antibiotic.com kisses don’t come to him the same as before. I asked about this directly, he confirmed that it was not getting better, he said that he knew that I was feeling bad, and I didn’t want it that way.

Here I finally understand that we can’t continue like this, I honestly told him that nothing will improve if we mark time and don’t take steps towards each other. He replied that with such feelings as he has now, he cannot and does not want to develop anything.

I mentally prepared myself for this, I said that it was time to break up, since his fears suppressed his feelings, his libido and everything else. He agreed, but asked to meet on Saturday to give me the gift he had purchased in advance and calmly discuss everything face to face.

Why am I writing mine here?Confession , because everything seems to be clear, but I’m wondering. He categorically does not agree to leave my life, he wants us to be in touch, and he would continue to help me with some problems test-antibiotic.com or financially. I replied that I couldn’t do that, since we broke up, that’s it. But he doesn’t want to lose me as a person, I’m important to him. There will be a meeting on Saturday, I asked him not to write or call me all the time before the meeting, so that he could feel this separation at least a little and understand.

I don’t know how you can not love a person and want to be in his life, want to help and support, we both don’t believe in friendship between a man and a woman. His words and actions make me doubt. On Saturday I want to ask him whether he regrets our decision to break up and whether he wants to fight for this relationship, otherwise there can be no talk of communication after the breakup.

I need your advice about our situation as it was a healthy relationship where we both made concessions, always talked and were willing to fix things. I'm sorry to lose such a person and such a relationship, but now, realizing that if he does not love me as a woman, isn't it all test-antibiotic.com useless?

This is his first normal and long-term relationship.

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