I became withdrawn due to problems with my studies

I became withdrawn due to problems with my studies
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Allproblems come from problems with studies. Studying was always difficult. I was never one of the best students. But there were periods when I managed to pull myself together and improve my studies. I was admitted to the 10th grade with difficulty, but since I am not a completely lost child, I continued my studies in high school.

At 11 everything was too much. From the very beginning of the school year, health problems began, when I left the program behind. Studying continued to pile up, gaps made themselves felt. Constant failures in lessons only made the situation worse. As a result, my self-esteem dropped to a critical level, the teachers demanded, but I couldn’t cope, I closed myself off more and more from everyone around me, only letting my family in, and even then I couldn’t pour out my heart to them,the attitude of close friends has changed. Even they began to turn away.

In general, I cut myself off from everyone, dug myself a hole from which I cannot get out. Those around me feel my insecurity and try to hurt me. I myself am quite a smart girl, interesting, pretty, but now I say all this with uncertainty. I myself stop believing in this, because this applies to test-antibiotic.com to the past. Now I am a withdrawn person who cannot cope with my school problems. I study a lot and for a long time, but still something doesn’t work out. Then you think: “maybe I’m not capable of anything at all?” Hands begin to drop. I'm afraid to do something, I'm afraid of even greater condemnation. Some minor jokes directed at me almost bring me to tears, but I don’t have the strength to fight and change anything.

How can I deal with my insecurities and find the strength to elevate myself in the eyes of myself and those around me? How to stop being afraid of judgment in order to improve your studies?

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