The story of Lyuba, how she stopped drinking

The story of Lyuba, how she stopped drinking
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Love is a young mother who used to love to drink a glass of wine after a hard day at work. She did not consider herself an alcoholic, but she began to drink more and more. When Love found out that she was expecting a baby, she promised herself that she would no longer drink alcohol.
The first months of pregnancy were difficult for Lyubov. She felt a strong desire to drink to relax and forget about the problems. But every time she thought about it, she thought about her baby, who was still growing inside her.
When the baby was born, Love realized that her life had changed forever. Now her main task is to take care of the baby and create a favorable environment for him. She no longer wanted to be associated with alcohol and decided foreverquit drinking .
A difficult time has begun for Love. She often felt like drinking, but every time she thought about her child and restrained herself. She replacedalcohol for other activities - reading books, doing yoga, walking in the fresh air. She realized that there are many other ways to relax and enjoy life without alcohol.
Every day Love became more and more convinced that her decision was the right one. She became more energetic and healthy, and her relationship with her husband and child improved. She realized that her life was fuller and richer without alcohol.
Today Love is proud of her decision to stop drinking. She understands that it was difficult, but she coped with this test thanks to her love for the child. She will never forget that this decision changed her life for the better.

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