
Family is the foundation of society, its importance cannot be overestimated. It is the place where we are born, grow and develop. Family is the people who will always be there for us in difficult moments and support us in joyful ones. In the family we learn to love, respect and care for our loved ones. Each family member has his/her own role and responsibility, but together they create a united team where everyone can find support and understanding. Family is not only blood ties, but also love, soul connection and harmony. It gives us confidence in the future and helps us to overcome life's difficulties.

  • Should a man forgive infidelity?
    Recently, the site has a lot of true stories about betrayal. Cheating is a heinous act. But it is possible, and sometimes it is necessary to forgive. These are not my words, but there are men who say exactly these words and forgive betrayal. I never understood these men. How can such a betrayal be f...
  • Husband's strange habit
    Married 10 years, have two children. I could call my marriage happy, if not for one strange habit of my husband. Friends say that this can be put up with, because the husband does not drink, does not beat and does not change. But I just can’t get used to the fact that even after a minor quarrel, my ...
  • Loving but jealous husband
    I am 30 years old, my husband is 42, I have a daughter from my first marriage (7 years old). We have been married for 2 years, we were together for a year before marriage. While we were just dating, everything was great, no quarrels, although I noticed that some kind of incomprehensible jealousy was...
  • I regret interfering with my son's family
    From the very beginning, the son and daughter-in-law decided to live on a separate budget. Maybe because the daughter-in-law has a son from her first marriage and their common three-year-old child. It's strange for me, but I didn't interfere. Now they are taking out a mortgage, and the daugh...