Loving but jealous husband

Loving but jealous husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 30 years old, my husband is 42, I have a daughter from my first marriage (7 years old). We have been married for 2 years, we were together for a year before marriage.

While we were just dating, everything was great, no quarrels, although I noticed that some kind of incomprehensible jealousy was slipping through him (I didn’t give a reason), but honestly I ignored it, because the person himself is good, caring and loves.

But after marriage, I began to notice that he could not establish contact with my daughter (before marriage, you did not live with him). They constantly swear, he is constantly jealous of me, wants me to devote all my free time only to our family and him, I should not have friends. His jealousy sometimes crosses all boundaries, for example, we sleep at night, I always have a silent phone for the night, and in the morning he shows me that someone allegedly wrote to me at night, although even if they wrote, he would not have heard it.

We began to swear often, we have completely different goals and visions of life, different tastes,  ispovedi.com  as if we were from different planets, but as a husband he is a good man: he doesn’t drink, doesn’t walk, he always helps, holds, and it’s clear that he really loves . But for some reason, next to him, I feel myself not as an adult girl, but as a child, as if he is my father, trying to educate, instruct, constantly telling me how it will be better for me, he wants everything to be the way he wants!

I don’t want to get a divorce, but I also understand that I am absolutely unhappy with him.

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