
Family is the foundation of society, its importance cannot be overestimated. It is the place where we are born, grow and develop. Family is the people who will always be there for us in difficult moments and support us in joyful ones. In the family we learn to love, respect and care for our loved ones. Each family member has his/her own role and responsibility, but together they create a united team where everyone can find support and understanding. Family is not only blood ties, but also love, soul connection and harmony. It gives us confidence in the future and helps us to overcome life's difficulties.

  • I live for the children
    Each of us has our own story, perhaps, and I’ll tell you about mine. I'll start with the fact that myfamily (mother , stepfather and younger brother) are very prosperous: no one smokes, no one drinks, but there was no trusting relationship with any of them, I always carried everything to myself, was...
  • My wife didn't live up to my expectations
    I feel deeply disillusioned with family life and life in general.I got married when I was 25. Now I understand that I was in a hurry, but it’s too late. Before meeting my future wife, I had longrelationship with one girl. We were each other's first. She studied at the same school with me, but was 5 ...
  • The guy knows that I'm pregnant, but he's marrying someone else
    After my first confession about my stepfather, who destroyed everything, I am writing a sequel.And so I left school without even finishing 9th grade and went to work as a waiter. Time passed quickly, I turned 17 years old,The money I earned went to no one knows where. Let me tell you briefly about m...
  • My thoughts on having children
    Story oneMy grandmother raised four children alone:her husband , my grandfather, went to the Finnish War and did not return, he died. You know how many problems there were with children. I remember howMom told me that the nursing cow was kept in the canopy at night so that it wouldn’t be stolen, oth...
  • Mom suddenly changed her attitude towards me
    We were never close to my mother, but in my adolescence, when I was an downtrodden child, embarrassed by my appearance,mom stood next to meevery day , I was likegirlfriend ,sister , we shared everything in the world with each other, there were no secrets. It was the happiest time. The only thing is ...
  • How to overcome your sinful love?
    I fell in love with my future husband immediately and, as I thought then, for the rest of my life. We have a goodfamily , daughter is 6 years old, until recently I was happy, until I fell in love again, recklessly and irrevocably. This has been going on for two years now. Arkady and I work together,...
  • Why do I never have time to rest?
    Previously, when I lived with my parents, I always looked forward to the holidays, and then the weekends when I started working. Now II’m married , we live with my mother-in-law, and I don’t have time over the weekend not only to relax, but also to do all the work that I have planned. Clean, prepare...
  • My son doesn't need me
    I am writing, apparently, out of loneliness. I am 42 years old, my son is 21. I raised my son alone. Formermy husband turned out to be a tyrant, he offended me, spread rot, and did not respect me. I walked around with beatings. We lived for about 3 years, and then I applied fordivorce _I didn’t know...
  • Cheating on your wife has no statute of limitations
    Married for 23 years, already have two grown sons. One is 18 and the other is 20 years old. Everything seems to be fine, and it seemsthe family is normal, andThe relationship with my wife is good, but nothing is normal. One thing gnaws at me and that’s it. And it seems like everything happened a lon...
  • Six years of deception
    I'm 50wife is 11 years younger. I have known my wife for 10 years. For the first year they were just friends, then after a year of living together they got married. Born three years agodaughter _They lived not badly, sometimes they quarreled, but quickly made up, and after the birth of their daughte...
  • While my children were growing up, I was busy with work
    That I'm badmother for her children, I realized only recently. I work as a department head in a foreign company, and my salary allowed me to hire a nanny for my daughters. Then tutors also worked with them. I myself was busy with work, visiting gyms, beauty salons, to be in great shape all the time ...
  • Do I need to help people who once did not help me?
    In the spring, my husband and I’s house and all our property burned down (the house caught fire due to a short circuit in the wires on the way into the house during a hurricane, the panel house burned like a sliver). We moved to our relatives' old house. The state didn't help at all. Relatives and s...
  • I found out that my husband has a second family and two children
    I am 37 years old, my husband is 40, my son is 10. I have 13 years in the tank. Eatapartment , country house, everyone has their own car, no financial problems. In 2021, due to Covid, I lost my child in the first trimester. For six months they said I need to take protection. For my husband and I, of...
  • I laid out some straw
    Genka and I studied in the same class. Were not friends, butthe relationship was not bad. He seemed to be a good guy , but he had one negative trait - greed. It was his greed that drove me away from him. I watched him as he bought something. He will think ten times whether he needs it, or whether he...
  • I wanted to prove to my ex-husband that I was happy without him
    I would really like to get advice, as I find myself in a difficult life situation. And through my own fault, too, but not only.My husband left me for someone else. He left me alone with my little son. Although I was still on maternity leave. I was in a lot of pain and couldn’t get away for a long ti...
  • Can my husband be called a decent person?
    I already wrote here that I regret that I did not divorce my husband earlier and did not become happy. And soThe divorce took place, the property was divided. It would seem that they separated and everyone went their own way. This is exactly how I imagined the relationship would end. All scandals ar...
  • My parents ignore my problems
    I think I'm seriousproblems . It’s impossible to contact people at all, and this really interferes with life. I have no friends or acquaintances, I don’t communicate with anyone at school, I’m constantly silent, and as a result they don’t pay attention to me.Wherever I go, I just can’t overcome myse...
  • My husband knows that I don't love him
    I am 42 years old. Married for 16 years. Two children. Before marriage there was a very strong mutuallove . They felt so sensitive that they understood each other without words. Our views, interests, tastes were like one whole.We were not an exclusive couple, there were quarrels and disagreements. B...
  • I'm lonely and this is my conscious choice
    I -a girl who doesn't have a loved one. And children. There is no cat either. And yes, I am strong and independent. Have you already imagined a stereotyped monster who is terribly unhappy and desperately envies you? In vain, because the lack of personal life does not prevent me from being happy. I r...
  • My brother's ungrateful daughter
    My brother is an alcoholic. At the moment, thanks to his daughter, he went tohard drinking . His niece left for another country without even warning him. My brother called her, she didn’t answer, and he started drinking, although he had been holding out for three months before that. Moreover, hemy d...