
Family is the foundation of society, its importance cannot be overestimated. It is the place where we are born, grow and develop. Family is the people who will always be there for us in difficult moments and support us in joyful ones. In the family we learn to love, respect and care for our loved ones. Each family member has his/her own role and responsibility, but together they create a united team where everyone can find support and understanding. Family is not only blood ties, but also love, soul connection and harmony. It gives us confidence in the future and helps us to overcome life's difficulties.

  • Жизнь как она есть
    Я не когда и не кому не рассказывала о том, что было у меня в жизни, что тяготит меня, не давая спокойно спать по ночам. Недавно я прочитала историю на этом сайте Берегите детей она довела меня до слез, а еще мне самой захотелось написать, написать всю правду о себе, о своей жизни и самое главное, ч...
  • The common-law husband lives on everything he has ready, but is in no hurry to earn money himself
    I have been in a civil marriage with a man for three years. We think that this isfamily . But he has all the timeproblems with money. Before our meeting, I took out loans and now I have problems with banks.It works, but all the time there are delays with wages, then the bailiffs removedmoney for deb...
  • I trust my wife, but I’m jealous
    I have been married to my beloved wife for a little over 20 years. I, one might say, stole her from someone else. But there were circumstances that alleviated my guilt.The wife was a downtrodden gray mouse, and her civilianthe husband was a tyrant. He could have hit her in front of everyone. We met ...
  • I don't need someone else's child
    This summer my cousin died in a car accident.my sisterhusband , who left behind a 13-year-oldson Ruslan.Now his grandmother is taking custody of him (mother of the deceased), Ruslan hasfather , but he has not kept in touch with him since he was 2 years old, although he lives in a neighboring house. ...
  • Relationships with a family man led to unexpected consequences
    It so happened that I got involved with a much older man. We met by chance in the park. He helped me to my feet when I slipped and fell face first on the ice. He gave mehelp . We started talking and gradually ourcommunication grew intonovel .About what he hasfamily , he did not tell immediately. And...
  • I don't feel guilty about my ex-wife and son
    What is realfamily love and loyalty? Where is the line between decency and betrayal? And how to stay on the right side?As a young guy, he met his ex-wife. It all started well, but ended just like in the modern world. She did not want to share the difficulties and hardships and found a rich lover, to...
  • I hate my mother
    The idea in whichmother is an idol that must be unquestioningly obeyed, respected and listened to. It’s especially annoying when people around me start to prove how far my point of view is from being right. Especially if these are her tipsy friends, to whom she constantly complains about me, althoug...
  • Such relatives are worse than enemies
    My relatives are my enemies. It all started a long time ago, but I didn’t let it matter. Ourbig family . My mom has 2 sisters andBrother . Himmy wife is my age and we were friends. Grandmother is the head of the family and everyone is always near her. I also loved her very much, but now I only hate ...
  • My parents don't believe in me, so I can't achieve anything in life.
    Since childhood, I have been a very withdrawn child, frequent bullying, dysfunctionalthe family contributed to this. I don’t know why, but I’m terribly dependent on the opinions of others! Now I'm 23 years old.Since childhood I have loved creativity, my passion is to come up with stories, there are ...
  • I didn't expect my husband to do this
    Six months ago I was happy. My husband and I have been married for 5 years, together for 10. We are 30 years old. My son will be 3 years old this summer.A year and a half ago we moved to another city, my husband was offered a job with a very good salary. Six months after the move, they began to noti...
  • My mother in law has no conscience
    My husband and I earn almost the same, but he gives part of his salary to his mother. Now I’m thinking, did I do the right thing by agreeing to a common family budget?I tried to explain to my husband that in order to help his mother, he must earn extra money. Let him find a part-time job and manage ...
  • Our unusual relationship with my husband
    YourI didn’t choose my husband , and I didn’t even love him when it all started. And it all started quite absurdly and stupidly. I couldn't get over my first unrequited and unhappylove , I just threw myself head first into study, and then into work, I just gave up on my personal life as such and sto...
  • Punishment for callousness or coincidence?
    Ten years ago, an unpleasant thing happened to my family. In his youth, my maternal grandfather was friends with one man, his distant relative. This relative hada son who was imprisoned for many years, first for the murder of his wife and her lover, then, it seems, for theft and something else.I sat...
  • My sister and mom say I'm materialistic
    We live in a small town with my husband and three children in a one-room service apartment, and mya sister with two children lives in her parents' house with her mother. The house is large, two floors. She also hasapartment , but she cannot live there, since at 30 she remains childish. She divorced ...
  • Husband's girlfriend
    II have been married for 6 years and have two children. Six months ago I began to notice thatmy husband lost interest in me: he tried not to touch me, he stopped calling, he could simply not talk for days, although we did not quarrel. Everything seems to be fine, I began to pay a lot of attention to...
  • Парень не может поставить на место свою бывшую девушку
    Три года назад я познакомилась с парнем. Он стал ухаживать, через два месяца мы начали встречаться. Мы оба живем в другой стране.Через два месяца отношений он отправился на родину на две недели. Я его очень ждала, он приехал и все были прекрасно. Еще через два месяца (все даты называю приблизительно...
  • Night fishing
    I’ll say right away that I am an incorrigible materialist, but the story that happened to me still causes me confusion. It is connected with mysticism quite relatively, but it actually happened, nothing was made up.After seventh grade in 1980, mythe family decided to move from the Kirov region to th...
  • Made himself an idol
    Years of courtship. In the sixth year of dating there is a wedding. In the sixth year of marriage -daughter . Almost didn't work. I tried to please her in everything.After the birth of my daughter, my attention switched from my wife todaughter . At some point I wanted a break from my family, from th...
  • I'm happy that I can communicate with my mother again
    When I was 10 years old and my brother was 9, our parents divorced. It turned out that we stayed to live with dad. Mom wanted to take us, but dad didn’t allow it. Himmoney , connections. So we stayed to live with dad and grandma. At every opportunity my grandmother reproached me for the fact that my...