
Family is the foundation of society, its importance cannot be overestimated. It is the place where we are born, grow and develop. Family is the people who will always be there for us in difficult moments and support us in joyful ones. In the family we learn to love, respect and care for our loved ones. Each family member has his/her own role and responsibility, but together they create a united team where everyone can find support and understanding. Family is not only blood ties, but also love, soul connection and harmony. It gives us confidence in the future and helps us to overcome life's difficulties.

  • How my husband's mistress became my relative
    I married for love, and until recently,my marriage was considered happy. My husband loved me and helped me in everything. We lived like this for fifteen years. And then I found out that he had been havingmistress _ How could you pretend like that?The apartment was mine and I, having collected his th...
  • Son and daughter-in-law are not allowed to see their grandson
    When our son got married, they decided that she was youngUntil the family buys their own apartment, they will live with us, butthe daughter-in- law flatly refused. She offered to live with her parents, but her son did not want to, because although they have a four-roomapartment , but in it, in addit...
  • Married without love, now I'm paying the price
    I'm 23 andpregnant , 6 months pregnant. I live with my husband (he is 25) and his mother. We got married not long ago, I’m still youngfamily . I haven’t worked for almost a year and mostly stay at home.The problem is that I'm not happyhe and his family are not happy with the apartment where we live....
  • My brother's large family did not bring him happiness
    I want to tell the story of my brother. They married when she was almost 18 and she was seven months pregnant. He was then 24 years old.He probably loved her. In parallel with family life, I studied and worked in all possible places where I could earn good money and pay for my two educations (bank +...
  • What should I do if money has clouded my husband's mind?
    My husband and I have known each other for 5 years, married for 3 years. There is a very small onechild (up to 3 years old). When we met, he was not working, but later he got a low-paying job and life went on as usual. While I was working, I supported him and myself financially. Then she went on mat...
  • The husband evened the score
    My friend's story. They got married while still students. We went through a lot together, built our lives together, but it so happened that she stumbled. In the eighth year of married life she cheated, she was smallaffair on the sidelover doctor _ Everything came to light as usual, the lover retreat...
  • I'm unlucky in love again
    I'm looking for a way out of a difficult unhealthy relationship. I am 27 years old. There is a 6 year old child, a son. Was not marriedThe relationship was also difficult, the breakup was painful. It took a long time to leave.I began to come to my senses. I thought I was wise nowI have experience , ...
  • Is it worth waiting for your man?
    I lived alone for a long time and was recovering from a series of unsuccessful relationships that squeezed me out likelemon _ Last year I met a good man: I experienced such deep, vivid feelings for the first time in my life, I have something to compare with. He and I were together all the time, it s...
  • For my husband, I'm just the mother of his child.
    For a long time after my divorce from my first husband, I lived alone, devoted all my strength to work, and, one might say, achieved good results. But life without a family is life without meaning, in my understanding. One fine day, I received an SMS on my phone with an offer to meet me.A man from o...
  • How to return your husband's love?
    My husband and I dated for 6 years, then got married, married for 4 years. For 10 years we have practically never parted, we are always together and never get tired of each other. We were borndaughter , she will soon be 3 years old. Both were confident in each other and trusted each other.But 3 mont...
  • How I lived with a pathological jealous person
    I am now 24 years old. It so happened that I can’t meet people my own age – I’m just bored with them. So I managed to choose a 36-year-old man and marry himmarried _ But his age was not the main problem.Before I met my husband, I had a series of unsuccessful relationships, and when I met him, passio...
  • It's very hard to be poor and lonely
    I really need to tell someone everything, everything that prevents me from living a full life. AllThe problems started in childhood. Myfamily - dadmom ,sister _ Dad worked on the railroad, the job was good, but he was an alcoholic, drank, and went on binges. Mom walked with us, picked him up, and dr...
  • bear
    Bear, Bear, where is your smile? Full of enthusiasm and fire, You don’t know yet, dear Mishka, how madly I love youThis is what I, paraphrasing a famous song, scrawled on the roof of a Kyiv high-rise building when I was 17 years old. And myMak Xu’s friend laughed at the simple poems and my love.Now ...
  • There is a lot of pain in my soul
    My husband and I have been together for 14 years. We got married while still in college, very young. We had nothing, rented a room, then worked. Our relatives could not help us and we started everything from scratch.The husband was very serious and purposeful, so his career took off sharply. I suppo...
  • My son went to live with his father and didn’t even congratulate me on March 8
    I haveProblems communicating with my son. In general, I have three children, my son is the eldest. I'll tell you my life story in order.About nine years ago, I had a nervous breakdown due to my relationship with my husband, after which he finally abandoned me and the children. At that time, I could ...
  • My boss forced me to have sex
    I hadfamily , my husband and I are now divorced. The child has grown up. Lives his own life. I am lonely and sometimes began to think about life, about the past. The rhythm of life is different now, more calm. And before, I myself didn’t notice that I was like a driven horse. Child, life, work - eve...
  • My sad and hopeless life
    I am only 21 years old, but I have already become disillusioned with life, I have lost my goals and guidelines. I wanted to write my ownConfession to just talk it out. Maybe it will become easier.I have never had a happy family, which is so popular in films. She looked normalfamily (mom , dad, broth...
  • I don’t know what I want
    I hadrelationship with a guy for 3.5 years, 2 of which we lived together. In this relationship (I’m already analyzing this) I madly, blindly, stupidly loved a person, tried to do everything for him. He had his own business, I helped him with everything. Life, work, I tried to please in everything, b...
  • What is my fault?
    The situation has already happened, but I want to find out who is right in this situation. We have a big onefamily ,mother , stepfather and we have 5 adult children who have their own families and children. I live with my parents (notmarried ) and my 13 year olddaughter , other brothers andsister li...
  • My failed attempt to get married
    Mikhail and I worked together and met there. I recently broke up with my boyfriend, but the problem was that Misha hadfamily . Although they were not married to their wife, they lived in a civil marriage, but they had a commonchild . He told a sad story of his life, from which it followed that he an...