Antibiotics in mackerel, myth or reality

Antibiotics in mackerel, myth or reality
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
There are many different opinions about whether mackerel containantibiotics or not. Some people think thatmackerel may contain antibiotics that are used in industrial fisheries to treat fish diseases. Others argue that this is just a myth and has no scientific justification.
First, it is worth noting that antibiotics are used in industrial fisheries to treat fish diseases. This is true, and some of these antibiotics may remain in the body of the fish. However, according to the legislation of most countries, the level of antibiotics in fish must be below a certain threshold, which guarantees safety for human health.
Secondly, mackerel is a fast growing fish that can be caught offshore. This means that mackerel does not spend much time in the vicinity of farms where antibiotics are used, and therefore it is not likely that they contain antibiotics.
Thirdly, mackerel is one of the most popular fish for consumption worldwide. This means that it undergoes strict quality and safety controls at all stages of production and sale. Therefore, the likelihood that mackerel contains antibiotics is very small.
In conclusion, we can say that the myth that mackerel contains antibiotics has no scientific basis. Mackerel is a nutritious and tasty fish that has many health benefits. However, as with the consumption of any other fish, it is worth monitoring the quality and safety of the product.

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