Antibiotics in fish: myth or reality?

Antibiotics in fish: myth or reality?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Fish is one of the most popular food all over the world. It is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, and also contains essential fatty acids, which are essential for human health. However, there is an opinion thatfish may containantibiotics , which are used in industrial fisheries to treat fish diseases.
First, it is worth noting that antibiotics are indeed used in industrial fisheries to treat fish diseases. This is necessary to keep the fish healthy and prevent the spread of infections in fish farms. However, according to the legislation of most countries, the level of antibiotics in fish must be below a certain threshold, which guarantees safety for human health.
Secondly, not all types of fish can contain antibiotics. For example,mackerel is a fast growing fish that can be caught offshore. This means that mackerel does not spend much time in the vicinity of farms where antibiotics are used, and therefore it is not likely that they contain antibiotics.
Thirdly, the fish undergoes strict quality and safety control at all stages of production and sale. This means that the chance that the fish contains antibiotics is very small. In addition, the fish undergoes mandatory testing for the presence of toxins and other harmful substances that can accumulate in its body.
However, it should be noted that some fish species may contain antibiotics above the acceptable level. For example, some farmed salmon may contain high concentrations of antibiotics. Therefore, when choosing fish, you should pay attention to its origin and method of cultivation.
In conclusion, it can be said that the myth that fish contains antibiotics is not entirely false. However, compliance with the rules of production and quality control minimizes the risk of antibiotics in fish. Therefore, when choosing fish, you should pay attention to its origin and method of cultivation, and

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