Antibiotics in beer: myth or reality?

Antibiotics in beer: myth or reality?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
There is an opinion that beer may contain antibiotics . Some people are beginning to worry that drinking such beer can lead to negative health effects. But how true is this? Does beer really contain antibiotics? And if so, how might it affect our health?
To begin with, it is worth understanding that antibiotics are drugs that are used to fight infectious diseases caused by bacteria. They can be used both in medicine and in animal husbandry.
In animal husbandry, antibiotics are used to prevent and treat diseases in animals. However, if an animal receives antibiotics, then traces of these drugs may remain in its meat or milk. And if these products are ingested to a person, then he can receive a certain amount of antibiotics.
Now back to beer. In beer production, ingredients such as barley, hops and water are used. If these ingredients were grown using antibiotics, then traces of these drugs may remain in the beer.
However, it should be noted that the amount of antibiotics in the beer will be very small. After all, in order to get a dose of antibiotics, which can have a negative impact on human health, you need to consume a huge amount of beer.
In addition, most countries have strict rules and regulations that govern the use of antibiotics in agriculture and control the amount of antibiotics in food. Thus, the likelihood that beer contains dangerous doses of antibiotics is extremely small.
In conclusion, we can say that the information that beer contains antibiotics is more a myth than a reality. However, if you want to be 100% sure of the quality of your food, then you can always choose beer from trusted producers and contact certified sellers.

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