My Husband's Ex Wife Constantly Demands Money

My Husband's Ex Wife Constantly Demands Money
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been married for three years. The husband divorced his ex-wife because she found another. From the marriage there was a little son, with whom he is not allowed to see under various pretexts, starting with bad weather and ending with the child's poor health. He left the apartment to her, he regularly pays alimony. Formerthe wife got married, gave birth to another child, and begging for money and frank manipulation of her son began. For two years she didn’t let me see each other at all, but then it seemed like it was necessary. I even started askingmoney from his parents.

At this time, we live in rented housing, pay a loan, alimony, barely enough to live on, and then there are these nerves, complaints that she did not have enough money. Constant quarrels with my husband, she is terribly tired, she constantly runs from her to me. And I'm not even allowed to approach their child. It is clear that a child is a child, but, in my opinion, this is outright arrogance.

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