What to do that brings pleasure and income?

What to do that brings pleasure and income?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Anya, I’m 23 years old and I don’t know what I really want to do in life. I want to find myself and realize myself, be proud of my successes and achievements, I want to stop tormenting myself with questions about the meaning and purpose in life. Every day I ask myself the same questions, but I still can’t find the answer. I just lost my dream and can’t remember what I subconsciously dream about.

I am surrounded by normal people who have hobbies and favorite work, or all together, but I have no calling for anything. I just grab onto something that supposedly sparks interest, and then the fuse ends, because in my stupid head the question arises: “Is this really what I want to do? Do I really like this? Therefore, I have been sitting without work and without my favorite hobby for six months now, at the same time I have lost the desire to learn and develop, but I really want to find myself in order to create, and not consume.

She worked a lot and tried to do a lot of things, but was left with nothing. When I try to test-antibiotic.com come up with a new goal for myself, sometimes I even feel nauseous. This is a very strange feeling - a feeling of worthlessness and uselessness.

Sometimes I think that if I wake up one day and say to myself “I want to do thisevery day , I want to spend a lot of time and effort on this, I’ll go and do it!”, then I will become the happiest person in the world! And I will make every effort to improve my skills, to become necessary and useful.

Help me find myself. I beg you, because... I definitely can’t handle it on my own.

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