What should I do?

What should I do?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Some time ago I published on this siteconfession that myson can't meforgive . And everyone unanimously advised me to leave him. At the age of 50, I decided to go to a boarding house for the elderly, but I woke up in time - there it was almost the same as in a mental hospital. hospital, only the treatment is better and the food is at the same level. This despite the fact that I was almost packing my bags.

In a state of passion, I took sleeping pills, they took me to intensive care, for several days I periodically lost consciousness, but I pulled out - and again I was in a mental hospital. Please don't judge me for this.

Fate sorted everything out in its own way. Of course, we haven’t separated yet, but during these May holidays, my son and his girlfriend went to a neighboring town to meet her parents. He was gone for 9 days, I almost went crazy - I was not used to being alone. I realized that my son had finally decided to get married. I'm really sincerely happy for him, but what am I going to do? I don’t have any test-antibiotic.com friends left, those whose phone numbers are still there don’t answer my calls, no one wants to communicate with a crazy woman. The apartment is in terrible condition,The refrigerator is on its last legs, the washing machine washes on one setting at 30 degrees, I don’t even have a TV and my pension is 8,000 rubles!

I was going to take 1C courses before, but now there is quarantine, all the courses have been cancelled, and I can’t take them - my eyesight has become very weak (I’m sitting in front of an old monitor), and the desire is all gone, they won’t hire me anyway.

By the way, my son also lost his job during quarantine. He arrived today, I came to him with a TV, you can even buy a Smart one inexpensively, and he yells that he has his fill of things to do.

My parents almost boycotted me; no one needs me, neither my son nor them. It’s freezing cold at home; I haven’t slept for several nights because of the cold, even under two blankets.

Tell me what should I do? I feel bad with my son and without him. Where can I find communication? It seems to me, test-antibiotic.com I look so bad that a homeless person won’t want to talk to me. Please help me again.

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