The daughter said that she was tired of her always dissatisfied father

The daughter said that she was tired of her always dissatisfied father
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We were married. We havedaughter . We lived with him for 2 years and I left. He beat me when he was drunk, humiliated me, insulted me. And himMom could say a lot of hurtful words to me. I went outgot married at 18, maybe that’s why she endured everything, andMy upbringing did not allow me to answer rudely.

After the divorce, he visited me often. First I love, then again insults. At times he did not pay child support. I didn’t really help with my daughter. And the most interesting thing is, after 6 years of divorce, he brought me back. Now we have been living for 9 months. And I don't know what to do. I understand that he is not my person. We are completely different, as if fate was laughing at us. He seems to have changed for the better, he doesn’t allow himself too much, although it happens sometimes.

But what depresses me most is his eternal dissatisfaction with everything. The person is constantly in no mood. It's not like that, not like that. I’m trying to cheer him up, but I’ve also started to notice pessimism in myself, it seems to be contagious. A very difficult person to climb. We don't go anywhere, we don't go anywhere. If I’m going somewhere myself, resentment begins. He often began to shout, both at me and at my daughter. He communicates as if he were somehow inadequate. I'm pretty tired of this.

And now I’m thinking, is it worth enduring for the sake of the family? Or maybe not. LatelyMy daughter (8 years old) started telling me that I should leave. That she was tired of the “eternally dissatisfied dad.” People, what should we do?

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