My husband's friend turns him against his family

My husband's friend turns him against his family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been married for 9 years, before marriage and before my friend met me.the husband was his “best friend,” a kind of married bachelor. All the birthdays of friends, where everyone is with their wives or other halves, he is alone, on vacation - alone, on weekends with friends, despite the presence of a wife, an adequate normal woman and children.

At first, making a promise with this friend Alexey, it seemed to me that he was so cheerful, witty, and this was hismy wife is such a boring person that it’s impossible to go everywhere with her. Then I realized that it was impossible with Alexey, and not with his wife. When we went on vacation, Alexey wanted to come to us with his mistress; he also came alone for my husband’s birthday, asking me to tell my wife that we didn’t go on vacation together and didn’t celebrate his birthday. Then he constantly began to invite my husband to go on vacation with him. Seeing such attacks and his influence on his spouse (my husband also began to say that we could take a break from each other) I became sharply against his friendly relationship with a friend. No, I’m not against fishing trips, football games at the stadium, and other attributes of a man’s life, but I became against such communication with such a person.

Seeing that everything was fine in our family, Alexey began to behave very angrily towards me (note at 44 years old!), making jokes about the family in front of me, “they say, you have to live the way you want and no one owes anyone” , and stuff like that. He really annoys me that my husband says that thisfriendship has been tested over the years, but such friendship is unpleasant for me. When I gota friend with somewhat similar views onlife , the husband made a scandal and said that he was against thisgirlfriends , as she negatively affects the family.

Recently I accidentally saw a correspondence between him and my husband, my husband wrote that we were leaving the city for 4 days, we would relax with our family, barbecue andfresh air , good weather, what else do you need for happiness? To which Alexey replied: “yes, onlythe family is in the way.” My husband himself accidentally showed me this correspondence in the context of some conversation. But the husband’s answer was that he was no longer 18 years old and the family could not interfere. But I still find it all so unpleasant.

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