Is there life after 50?

Is there life after 50?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm almost 50 years old. I don't feel this age on me. But the number itself is starting to depress me. There is a job that I used to love very much and simply lived by. But in recent years I have felt that I have “burned out”, I go to work “automatically” and soon I will probably not be able to stand it. I began to get tired of work, it takes a lot of time to prepare, I practically do not rest, I continue to work even on vacation. There is no pleasure from it at all. And I really, really want to leave her. I've been wanting it for several years now. Because it's notlife , or rather, is life for work, and not for yourself or your family.

But I’m not leaving, I’m very afraid to change anything. I'm afraid that nothing may work out in the new place, and I will be left without a source of income. And I'm also afraid of my age. Probably 15-20 years ago I would have risked starting my own business, but now I’m afraid that I might not be able to pull it off. I’m not sure that you can change your career, field of activity, or even life at this age? And further. I don’t yet understand what exactly wants to do. Although I have a dream. Very old. But I don’t even begin to implement it, because it seems to me that, due to my character, I will not achieve success in this area. Appearedfear and uncertainty. Is it possible to somehow overcome this? Is there life after 50? I would be very grateful if you share your experience.

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