Do husbands have the right to do this?

Do husbands have the right to do this?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My friend and I have been friends for eight years. We met by chance near the entrance to a supermarket located not far from our house. Satisfied and happy, covered in shopping, I dropped my phone, and she picked it up. It turned out that she and I live in the same yard. I was very glad to meet you. My husband and I recently moved to a new apartment, and I didn’t have any friends here. Our husbands did not communicate with each other. They knew each other and nothing more.

Recently mymy husband quit his job and opened a small auto shop and workshop within the city. For my husband, his new job brings joy and true pleasure. He is very sociable and savvya man , an expert in his field. He has relevant education in this field of activity. And my previous work was related to the automotive industry.

But what business has no competition? It's difficult, it's not easy. But before opening the store, the husband weighed all the risks and losses. And alsoHis father , helping in every possible way, supported his son and helped him purchase the necessary specialized equipment.

My friend and I did not discuss the scope of activity of our men. We were more interested in topics about fashion, sports, and conversations about families living in our yard. She helped me choose a new phone, and I helped her with her purse and glasses. On weekends we went to the cinema with her, drankcoffee in our favorite cafe. Sometimes she came to visit us, and my husband and I could exchange a few words.

I must say, I found out later that my husbandA friend sells auto parts. It turns out that they are competitors. In general, after a few months they began to fight among themselves for clients in our city. I wouldn’t delve into these details, but they prohibit us from communicating. Kindergarten, and that's all. It turns out that our husbands have become enemies.

It seems to me that my friend’s husband hated my husband. He can be understood. After all, we have our own store and auto repair shop, located in a very convenient and accessible place in the city. A large assortment of goods, modern equipment, an influential father - this will help attract a large number of customers. But my husband is a real hard worker and a great guy. His personal, friendly and polite qualities as a seller of play an important role in the sale.

A friend’s husband sells remotely through a website he created. He has clients in other cities as well. So what is there to share? Why quarrel? And how will ourchatting with a friend at their sales?

How to teach them to separate work from personal relationships? I believe that business should not interfere with personallife . Moreover, they never communicated with each other. In general, it would be possible to establish friendlyrelationship . Despite the fact that competitors.

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