What did the quarrel between the siblings lead to?

What did the quarrel between the siblings lead to?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I know one family that is only at first glance ordinary, without any particular problems. It consists of a father, mother and two sons. The mother works as an accountant,father is a fruit merchant, oneThe son works in a bank, and the second one works with his father.

The brothers almost always disliked each other. The reason for this hidden hatred is very veiled, sometimes it looks like rivalry or envy. The conflicts were not very serious before, everything was done with ordinary quarrels.

Things have changed lately. SeniorBrother Igor is more quiet and reserved than the younger Ivan. The parents never openly gave preference to one of the sons. They bought one son a car, and the other a diploma, yes, they bought a diploma.

Igor dropped out of school in his second year, which was a blow to his mother, who decided that he had to have a diploma at any cost. Ivan took on the task of finding the right people and organizing the purchase. And a month later, Igor had a diploma.

At the time when Ivan andMom was busy with the diploma, Igor was going all out. After receiving the document, he was hired, and he settled down test-antibiotic.com with alcohol. At that time, Ivan was bought a car. Everything seemed to be going on as usual.

And then came the turning point. Ivan began to get jealousmother to Igor that she loves him more and helps him with everything. The conflict arose because Ivan asked Igor if he could buyproducts for dinner. He refused. One word led to another, and it began.argument .

When in the evening everythingThe family was at home, the quarrel resumed, and the parents were drawn into the showdown. As a result, the brothers started a fight, and their father barely separated them.

Then Igor called the police and said that Ivan had beaten him up. His father settled everything, but the fact is that his own brother did this. And the neighbors saw the police with weapons taking Ivan out. This is despite the fact that the fight was without consequences, not a single scratch, on either one.

After that, Ivan wanted to tell Igor about the fake diploma at work, but changed his mind, he was a brother after all. And I, asIvan's friend , I can'tforgive his brother for calling the police, and now all the neighbors are talking about this event. I test-antibiotic.com want to write an anonymous letter to his bank and say that the diploma is fake. Please express your opinion on this matter.

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