How can you love a fat wife?

How can you love a fat wife?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


The wife is terribly jealous. Sometimes her jealousy reaches the point of complete absurdity. Married for 8 years, have three children, and I can’t look at a woman of any age even in passing, I can’t like my employees, boss, and even the wives of our friends on social networks.

Recentlymy wife was jealous of her sister! She was visiting us in transit, my wife constantly followed her on her heels so that her sister would not be left alone with me. I myself avoided meeting her, going out into the kitchen only when my wife was there. The relative decided that I was dissatisfied with her arrival and went to other relatives, of course, telling her parents everything. I had to confess why I acted the way I did. My mother-in-law did not believe me, and my wife also said that I invented everything to justify myself.

When we met, I did not notice such a pathology behind her (that's right, because I consider jealousy a disease). It all started after the first birth, the wife gained weight, worried, constantly said that she was ugly. I reassured her, told her thatthe child will grow up and she will have time for fitness, where everything will quickly return to normal. But she whined every minute, as if I was the fault of her fullness. Then she lost some weight, but with the second pregnancy the weight returned. I don't like a fat wife, how can you go to the beach with this?

Now my wife is on maternity leave with her third child. She has become very stout, one might say outrageously, but she does not want to take care of herself. Instead, it makes me jealous. I have no one but her, but one day I could not stand it and said: “look at yourself in the mirror, how can you love such a woman.” I regret it, but the wiferemembers my words every day .

I don’t want to get divorced, but I don’t know how to save my family. He offered to hire a nanny, and the wife to go to work, be among people, maybe lose weight and calm down. But my wife is categorically against it.


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