How to decide on a divorce?

How to decide on a divorce?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been married for 10 years and have 2 children, aged 7 and 5. For the last 2 years,My husband has become aggressive, especially towards the children. But he also takes it out on me. He doesn't beat me, but he puts moral pressure on me (such a quiet tyrant). A year ago I even ended up in the hospital with an attack because of him.relationship .

The children are afraid of their dad, they don't like it when he's home. I understand that the job is stressful (he's a military man), but he started to drag the work atmosphere home. I want to get a divorce, but there isproblems - I don't work. We often move because of workhusband , and often garrisons in remote places, where there is no work except military. Because of this, I did not work for 10 years. I do not have my own home. I lived with my parents. After the death of my fatherMom sold her apartment and moved to the village, buying a house there. That is, there is nowhere to move with the children - there are no schools or kindergartens within the nearest 5-6 km. There are not even doctors.

My health condition also prevents me from getting a divorce. I have a bunch of diagnoses (the main one is a brain cyst, which causes problems with vision, memory, and frequent fainting). Treatment requires a lot of money, becauseMedicines and examinations are expensive.

And the main reason is the children themselves. My husband , considering the above, said that he will not give up the children. And I want a divorce because of them, to protect them from such a tyrant father. What to do? How to get out of this situation?

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