Every morning I tremble with fear of the boss

Every morning I tremble with fear of the boss
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I couldn’t find a job anywhere for too long, I had to work outside my specialty, but I thought that having a higher education, it wouldn’t be difficult for me to work, I could handle it. At first I thought that I was lucky, the salary was normal, andthe staff is good and friendly. But there was no luck with the boss. He is an unpleasant, scandalous person, I didn’t like him right away and, as it turned out later, the whole team had the same opinion about him. When I first saw how rude he behaved with his employees, I already changed my mind about working here, but what stopped me was the fact that there was no other job yet, and somehow people have been working here for several years now.

Whenthe boss arrives at work in the morning, and it’s about ten, conversations die down, everyone nervously looks at their monitors and waits to see who he will choose today as a target for a reprimand. He does this not based on the results of his work, but at random, who comes to hand first.

Everyone is already accustomed to this behavior of the boss and simply waits until he goes to his office, but I don’t test-antibiotic.com know how to do that and every morning I sit and tremble with fear that today it won’t be my turn. Soevery day . An employee with whom I became close said that at her previous job everything was the same, although the boss there was a young woman.

The senior manager went on maternity leave and her work was assigned to me. Now you have to collect employee reports every morning and report to the boss, carry documents for signature, listen to his instructions and instructions. I know that the job was done correctly, but I still feel nervous every morning, and in the evening I come home so tired that I can no longer do anything. The only thing I can’t understand is why behave this way with your subordinates, so that they not only don’t respect you, but also hate you. And most importantly, work suffers. When he is nearby, my hands shake, I make mistakes, and I’m sure it’s not just me.

I can’t quit yet, and where is the guarantee that things won’t be the same in the new place.

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