I'm surprised by my reaction to my wife's cheating

I'm surprised by my reaction to my wife's cheating
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 38 years old, yeswife and triplets (boys), who are already 18 years old. This story happened to me this morning.

I’m getting ready for work, and then my wife comes up to me, tearful, and admits to cheating. The sons heard this, but the thing is that I actually didn’t react to her in any way.confession , I calmly had breakfast, got ready, and with a smile on my face went to work, and my sons silently left in angry feelingsuniversity _ I don’t know what happened to my wife next. I didn’t think about it all the time at work, work is very distracting, but when I came home I saw that my wife, having collected her things, was looking at me with a guilty look, but somehow I didn’t care.

It may seem that I did not love my wife, but I loved and love very much, I am a romantic. We often went on dates, I gave her gifts,sex was regular, but something was missing for her, maybe mineIs there any guilt in her betrayal, I don’t know. According to her story, she was with her friends, they drank well, test-antibiotic.com and then met some guys and then it happened. But neither her story nor her apology touched me, I completely stopped thinking about her. She cried for a long time, when she was already leaving, our sons came and said thatOf course they love their mother and that they will always help, but they no longer want to communicate with her. I then talked to them, and in the end everything remained fine. The guys may be angry, but they are silent.

I don’t know what will happen next, but I really hope that he and his mother will make peace, but I, in turn, decided that I will not be sad over such trifles. I learned from my wife what I was wrong about, I will correct it in myself. I'm sure it's one way or anotherexperience anddivorce is not scary, so I look forward with confidence. I do useful work, and I’m not at all worried about my wife, I forgave her, but still, when I suggested that she stay, she said that she could no longer look me in the eyes, and that now she would not appear again in my test-antibiotic.com life, and goes to his mother. But I said I didn’t care, she started crying again and left.

My sons offered to go with them to America, but I decided to stay and work here, since my job is wonderful, and I’m not at all sad for my wife. What scares me is that I don’t care about her at all.

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