I'm not ashamed that I had such a childhood

I'm not ashamed that I had such a childhood
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's my time to tell my life story, which many are shocked when I tell it. But it was thanks to her that I learned to sew and have now become the owner of an atelier.

While I was little, about seven years old, IMom sent us to wash other people’s dishes from our neighbors and friends. She was still afraid that I was in danger on the street. Apparently I re-read the news. And I agreed with my friends and our neighbors that I would be their maid, that is, wash the floor, dishes, and laundry. Moreover, they had neither husbands nor cohabitants. In return, they will teach me to sew, sing, and dance. And every time after school and on weekends, mountains of other people’s dirty dishes awaited me.

I myself really enjoyed washing other people’s dishes. Often I was left alone in other people's apartments, and I had complete freedom there. I freely changed into dresses, bathrobes, skirts and sweaters of my mother’s friends and neighbors, and felt like a real adult housewife. And adults freely allowed me to do so. It also helped that there was nothing valuable in the apartments where I test-antibiotic.com worked. And it was not scary to leave me. And when the apartment owners returned home, they began to teach me how to sew. Come up with sketches, cut them out. Two mother'sthe friends sang and danced well. And these talents were passed on to me. They also allowed me to wear my dresses freely. And when I went into other people’s apartments, I changed into the housewives’ clothes. And she still had time to rest. Lie down and sit on the sofa, sing a song and dance. In addition to washing other people’s dishes, floors and laundry, I also had the job of protecting my mother, neighbors and friends from the attacks of others. Nobody appreciated my mother's idea. My mother’s friends and neighbors were called lazy, and my mother was called a monster and a monster, which, they say, forced me to work for other people’s aunts. Like how did she even come up with this idea?

I stopped washing other people’s dishes only at the age of 16, when my mother began to be less afraid for me, and I began to have my ownlife . After school, I moved to the regional center, graduated from college, and leftgot married and decided to pursue a career in the field of tailoring, which is what test-antibiotic.com turned out to be for me. They predicted to me that I would have psychological trauma for the rest of my life from washing other people’s dishes and working for other people’s aunts, and that I would be an outcast everywhere. But on the contrary, I am grateful to my mother. And childhood in other people’s apartments as adult housewives is much better than that of my peers who wiped themselves in dirty hallways.

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