My failed office romance

My failed office romance
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After two years of loneliness, I met a guy, he came to our office, and I immediately liked him. Even then I thought that it couldn’t be that such a handsome guy didn’t havegirls (we immediately learned that he was not married).

How surprised I was when Pasha invited me to the cinema, then began to give me a ride home, and after another meeting I stayed with him for the night. I realized that I had fallen in love, but he suggested that we not advertise our relationship at work.relationship . I didn’t see anything wrong with this, but I still agreed so as not to upset him. It was hard to hide your feelings all day and pretend that this person was a complete stranger and indifferent to you. Pasha has his ownapartment , and I kept waiting for him to offer to live together, because I was coming and we were renting a room together with a friend. But almost six months passed, and our relationship remained at the same level. Until a new employee came to us! Pasha changed dramatically, began to avoid me, I saw how he looked after that girl and understood everything. Then he called me and said that the feelings had disappeared (most likely, they were not there on his part) and offered to separate peacefully.

I was very hurt and offended, but I still hoped that she wouldthe girl will refuse him and he will return. My friend said that I have no pride, that he is not worth me, but it was all in vain. I suffered a lot. But then I began to notice that they communicate all the time and from their behavior I realized that they were together. My suspicions were confirmed when Pasha called and asked me to quit; you see, he didn’t want to work with me after what happened. I refused, it was too much to lose my job. Then he began to threaten that he would tell everyone what I was like, that I would still only have to leave in disgrace. I didn’t do anything to be afraid, but I felt so disgusted in my soul that I thought maybe I should really quit and never see him again. But it will feel like running away! I don’t know what to do now, while I took a vacation, I’ll go to my parents, and then to the sea for a week, but I just don’t know what to do after that.

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