My boyfriend cheats on me all the time

My boyfriend cheats on me all the time
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I started dating a young man for the fourth time, the same one, I think this is the last time. When we started dating, I felt that mythe guy is still attached to his ex (they dated for a year and 2 months). It annoyed him when she went out with someone and all that, naturally, it annoyed me too, because I realized that I had fallen in love with him.

After some time, he told me himself that he had cheated and said: it’s up to you to decide whether you will forgive me or not, he said that he simply could not resist. I forgave him, then we dated for about a month or even more, trying not to remember it, everything was fine with us. He said that I already loved you and you are the only one I need, although all this time his ex-girlfriend wrote to both me and him. He - how much she loves him, and I - that he doesn’t need me.

Then another 3 months pass, and I find out that he cheated on me again with her. everything just sank inside me, his ex wrote to me that we had everything, but I didn’t believe her, but believed him. Then, after 3 months, I learned from a trustworthy person that it really happened. I asked him about it, he confirmed everything.

I threw a terrible tantrum. She said what a creature she is and what a goat he is for betraying me again. I felt so bad that I didn’t even notice how much I said to him, and I realized how weak I had become. Then I sat, stared blankly at one point, and he swore that this would never happen again, that it was a long time ago, that she seduced him and he couldn’t resist. He said that he only loved me, etc. I’m probably a complete fool, but again I said that I forgive him, but in my heart I didn’t forgive him.

I do not know what to do. I have thoughts that I need to leave him, but I understand that I can’t live without him. I told him that if this happens again, I will definitely not forgive him and we will definitely break up. I think that this will not happen, but I have every reason to suspect him, although he swore that he would no longer lie to me and cheat on me. Please advise what to do?

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