Is it possible to trust a girl who has already betrayed you once?

Is it possible to trust a girl who has already betrayed you once?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 21 years old. I have been dating a girl for 3 years. We met at the institute in the first year, I really liked her, at that time I was 18 and I had not had a relationship before this meeting, not because I was someone, but simply had not found a girl that I liked. Since I was not an ace in relationships, I tried to do everything quietly and not be intrusive. After a month of walks and seeing her home, I suggested dating, she did not think long and agreed, because she had wanted this for a long time and she was very happy.

I decided to meet the parents, everything went more or less successfully here, I was already stalling for time. Everything was fine, we see each otherevery day , we study in the same group, everything was great for two whole years, we lived in perfect harmony, there were quarrels, but we tried to resolve them quickly. In the third year, quarrels began, and very strong ones, they beganshe didn't want to swear , argue, give in to me, no matter if she was right or not, she just didn't want to. We swear, parted, came back together, then we calmed down and started to make concessions, everything went well again, but then I found out that she was talking to some guy from another city, and everything was already good between us.

She did it secretly, deleted the correspondence, became too excited, I did not understand what could have happened, because everything is fine, we do not quarrel. Then, as it should happen, I find out the truth by accident, I wanted to find something in the browser history, and saw the page of the guy she regularly visited. I decided to ask her, in the end, after long excuses, lies, she admitted that she communicates, but there is nothing like that here. I almost fell off my chair, I never betrayed her, I was always honest, she knew the password to my page and at any moment, she could go in and read whatever she wants, I had nothing to hide.

We had a fight and eventually she left. I couldn't believe it, I was humiliated, I didn't care about anything.lie , because I lost my beloved, I wanted it to be a dream. I suffered for 3 months, I wanted to see her every day, school went into the background. I got into debt, I didn't want to neglect my studies, I was studying on a budget and I didn't want to get kicked out at all, but it was as if school stopped being given to me, I just couldn't think about anything. She, in turn, started coming in beautiful outfits touniversity , to do it in such a way that I would notice, I couldn’t stand it, I wanted to stop it all, just fall on my knees and say: “I love you!”, but I couldn’t do it.

I decided to wait and hope that she still loves me. After all, we had so many good things, we went on vacation together, to the sea, I didn’t earn much, I worked the night shift at the hospital, since I studied during the day, I tried to give her gifts, as much as possible. She was not from a rich family, so I wouldn’t say that she needed gifts from me. After 3 months, I stubbornly took up my studies, paid off all my debts and told myself that even if I humiliate myself and regret it, it’s better than knowing that I missed my chancelove . I started courting her again, tried to help her everywhere, well, I listened to her refusals, I just walked with her and that's it, I said that I just wanted to do it. And she didn't really refuse, I walked her home, without a car, so that we could just walk and stroll together, then I walked back to the car, in general, after all my actions, I decided once and just kissed her and was not refused.

Everything seemed to be getting better, we got to talking about this guy, I told her that I love her very much and that I don’t want to limit her. I said that if she wants to communicate with him, then I don’t mind, but please don’t hide it from me and let him know that you have me. She said that, like, I love you, I don’t need anyone else, added him to the blacklist everywhere, I was just in seventh heaven, I didn’t think about anything, I was just happy. We finished our studies with excellent marks, completed our internship, the last month of summer is left, everything is good, compliments every day, I took her everywhere, however, as I understand now, she didn’t like it at all. We have completely different interests, she is too homely, but this didn’t stop me, I took her to nature with an overnight stay, my parents let her go with me calmly, they trusted me, I was at their house almost every day when I saw her off, but as they say, good things can’t last forever.

I trusted her and didn't check at all. Three days ago, after work, I decided to go to her on my bike in the morning, I rarely ride a car in the summer, I likefresh air , some kind of fresh airsport , since I work from 6 to 8 in the morning, and make a surprise. She has in 10 daysbirthday , I decided to give her a nice swimsuit, naturally, I couldn't choose without her. I arrived in the morning, I didn't see much joy in her eyes, I told her about my idea, she agreed, but not the way I wanted. While she was getting dressed, I sat and waited near the computer, surfed the Internet and remembered the story, I decided to go in again, and saw something I shouldn't have seen. I saw his page. I quickly closed everything and left the room, approached her, trying not to show how much it hurt me, I smiled and asked: "Do you love me very much? Are you not hiding anything from me? Just like we agreed with you?" The answer was: "Of course not", then followed by a kiss, with a smile on my face. I pretended that this was enough for me, since I decided not to sort things out with my parents at homerelationship .

We arrived at the store, I suggested sitting down and having a serious talk, I said that I knew she was cheating, but I didn’t say exactly what I knew. I decided that she would say it herself, I talked and talked, and she just kept silent. Then she said: “Why are you forbidding me to communicate?” I said that there’s simply no need to cheat and flirt with another when there’s me. In the end, after I said that I saw the story again, she confessed everything, said that she continued to communicate, but deleted the correspondence later, which I didn’t find out about. I was simply amazed! I was ready to tear my hair out, I asked myself why, for what purpose? After all,a guy from another city, he can't do anything except write. I asked her about it, but she was silent. I said that since she deleted the correspondence, does that mean there is something there? She said that she justcommunication .

I asked her to write to him and ask for all the correspondence, she started crying, I said: "If you can't write, I will." She refused, I said that I believed her, and she ruined everything again. Why was it necessary? She couldn't answer, I said that I was leaving then, she cried, said that she would give the password to the contact, but just don't ask him for the correspondence. I said that I had to know the truth, either from her or see everything myself. I didn't hear the truth from her. Anyway, we arrived home silently, I took the bike and went home. I'm still not in the mood, I can't test-antibiotic.comforget how she acted, I love her, but I can't be with her. She is silent, doesn't write anything, I am suffering terribly, I don't understand what to do.

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