My husband promises to change, but I doubt it

My husband promises to change, but I doubt it
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I were married for 6 years, before that we dated for another 4 years. When we got married, we began to live in his mother’s apartment.

At that time, we earned the same money, and he also had his own business. We fought all the time about money, and in the end he said that we would have a separate budget. And I accepted it, now I regret it, of course. They lived like that for 6 years, chipped in on everything in half,groceries , for the necessary things for the house, for a trip to the sea, I asked for renovations to be made in one of the rooms to make a bedroom there and I also invested half of the necessary funds and paid half forrefrigerator , washing machine, dishwasher and stove. And all this considering that it’s not even mineapartment _

I know it's my own fault. But I loved him very much, and accepted that he did not want to provide for his family or even buy food. He also raised his hands at me and insulted me more than once. I went to see my mother several times, for 1-2 days, he always brought me back, came for me and asked for forgiveness, and I quickly forgave him. He behaved normally for a while, but then everything became the same as before, againindifference , cared only about himself, again we pay for everything in half, even when he began to earn more than me, he still demanded that I pay for everything.

Recently he hit me again. I packed my things and left. I have been living separately from him for three months. At first he called once a week and asked: “When are you coming home?” Then I realized that I wasn’t going to and had already startedcalling every day , begging to come back, swearing his love, standing on his knees, saying that he was stupid, but now he understood everything. He promises that he will take care of all the expenses, will buy groceries, we will do everything around the house together, he even returned it to methe money I spent then on repairs and equipment. He also sends me flowers and gifts every other day, says that he has changed, started going to a psychologist, invites us to go together, wants to save the family.

I don’t want to destroy our family, I kind of want to come back, but I don’t believe that people can change like that. Do you think he really understood something and will change?

Let me add that we are 30 years old and have no children.

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